Metal Rowel Necklaces

**The image may differ from the actual product due to natural wear & tear of the rowel**

SKU: N/A Category:


Long Necklace with Leather Cord to Tie Together

*Can be made shorter if needed*

Multiple Designs/Sizes

Metal Rowels

Unique Designs

**The image may differ from the actual product due to natural wear & tear of the rowel**

Additional information


8 Point Rowel, 9 Point Rowel, J1 Rowel, 6 Point Rowel, 20 Point Rowel, A2 Rowel, Small 9 Point Rowel, 10 Point Rowel, E2 Rowel, #11 Rowel, Small 10 Point Rowel, E1 Rowel, Small 8 Point Rowel, #3 Rowel, 16 Point Rowel, #4 Rowel, #2 Rowel, Medium 8 Point Rowel, 12 Point Rowel, Tiny 10 Point Rowel, #23 Rowel

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